For the love of photography
My Story
I have been a photographing for almost 40 years now have published several books about wildlife, have received numerous awards and I still love it as much as way back in the 80’s when I got my first camera and started photographing with rolls of film.
This is my website, and I hope you enjoy your visit.

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words”
Buy Fine Art prints
Felix offers a wide selection of his photographs as Fine Art Prints in open and limited editions. There is an exciting selection for you to choose from. It’s easy to complete your decor by hanging your new Felix Heintzenberg fine art print in your home or office. We hope the link below whets your imagination to the possibilities.
felix on youtube
…coming soon
Felix books
Felix has written six books about wildlife, some on his own, others with co-authors. Some of the books have sold more than 25.000 copies
on tour
Evening slideshows are part of the excitement of being a photographer and writer. During times of covid, all presentations have been cancelled, but they are slowly starting to come up again. Here you can see, where and when Felix will be to having presentations in the future.
about felix
Get to know Felix Heintzenberg, his background, what he loves and all about his passions….
my partners
Eltima Electronics (infrared motion detectors för wildlife photography)
Don’t Miss
News And Events
Here you can read about new projects, tours, new books, awards and other plans that keep Felix busy.
Nordic Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2023
Today, my photograph of a lynx became "overall winner" in the Nordic Nature Photo Competition (NNPC). I joined the fantastic prize ceremony in Oslo and became "Nordic Wildlife Photographer of the year 2023". This is an immense honour, so many thanks to everybody who...
Lynx mating season started
LYNX' MATING SEASON STARTEDSKÅNE, 2023-01-22 The lynx' mating season has slowly started, which is exciting for me. My good friend Kent and I are starting to see lynx more often now on our twelve trail cameras that we have out in the forests in northern Skåne. Single...
See you in Norway
See you in NORWAYOSLO, 2023-02-11 I will be visiting the Nordic Nature Photo Competition (NNPC) in Oslo on Saturday and I will be having a slide show about my lynx photography in Sweden. Hope to see you there.
Drop me a Line
Don’t be shy. Let me know if you have any questions! In English, Swedish, German… your choice.
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